Now Entrecard-enabled | This Girl's Bookshelf

Now Entrecard-enabled

Welcome! There's a pretty good chance you've found this blog via Entrecard. This blog got accepted into the program a few days ago and I am now doing regular drops from here and my knitting blog Joyarna. Since this blog is still small, I will try to reciprocate drops for anyone who drops on me. :)

This Girl's Bookshelf is a book review blog. I'll post my thoughts, lists, and other stuff, but the main meat of the blog will be reviews -- which will be posted as fast as I can read. ;) Stay tuned tomorrow for my review of The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.

Until then, take a look around, and vote in my poll. :) Drop me a comment if you like. I love comments and suggestions!



anne said...

I always love to read books but sometimes when I started reading it. I cant easily put it down so my other house chores will be left behind . aargghs

Unknown said...

I just dropped on you! I am not the most active entrecard user, but I do like to find new blogs and have new visitors! :)